Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

30 September 2010


aku kelewatan......
ye...kelewatan..... =..=
sangat tidak seronok perasaan ini ya (!)
malam tadi gayut punye gayut punye gayut....(ade la dalam sejam lebih)
tibe2 tergaduh plak T____T
sume nye pasal facebook T____T
ntah ape yg nak di jeleskan nye...haih......
lepas nangis kurang lebih......
ok balik......
talk talk talk......
sedar2 pukul 1 lebih da.....
aku nie jenis tidoq awai.....(pukul 11 da tido)
gegegegege....pengaruh asrama dulu la kot =..=
bila da sedar masa da time (ayat cikgu aku)
aku pon tidoq la......
bangun pagi je nasuha showal yg dtg kejutkan...
nak tawu pukul brape (?)
pukul 8.30 woootttt (!)
kelas pukul 9......homaigod......then, aku suruh dia pegi....
hajat di hati memang xnak pegi dah....
but then, ntah ape yg merasuk minda aku nie....
aku pon bangunla kesat2 tahi mata tahi mulut dan sebagainya....
pegi mandi kurang lebih then pegi kelas sorg2 @____@
sesampainye di kelas....ppffffuuuuuhhhhh.....nasib baik sang lecturer x masuk lagi.....
lepas tu study la kurang lebih......
then afta sejam setengah, balik......
dannnnnn......disinilah aku mencampakkan diri dari dunia di kelilingku =]

p/s : petang nie ade kelas TITAS...watahellyah.......

ppsssstttt....mesti kat klass korg ade jugak kan =]


29 September 2010

che-rita pa-sal broad-band

i ade broadband .
name broadband i huawei .
broadband i nie anak kepada celcom .
sebab tu juga la dia manja2 .
celcom nie main kayu lima .
sebab tu bini2 celcom mampu melahirkan broadband yg ramai .
oleh kerana broadband i nie ramai adik beradik .
broadband i nie ditakdirkan untuk menjadi "remaja lembam"
sebab tu juga lah broadband i selalu buat i pening kepala .
broadband i nie sekejap ade sekejap xde .
macam chipsmore .
ok la .
sebelum broadband i merajuk sebab i x bawak dia makan mcDon ,
baik i berhenti .
broadband i paksa i letak picture dia .
ni dia . . . . . 

cantik perangai broadband i kan =..=

29 september 1991

it was back in 1991 .
around 7pm .
a mom gave birth to her 4th child .
with those tears .
with those cries .
with the hard scream .
then, its a baby girl .
the whole family were very happy .
they decided to give siti zulaikha as her name .
they took a good care of her .
they send her to school .
with the hope .
my daughter will doing great in school .
at the primary school, the girl can survive .
she always make her parents happy with the results .
but then, in her secondary school .
she starts to ruin her parent's hope .
she always got the e-shit in exams .

it is 29 september again .
in 2010 .
the girl is in the university .
even though she is not good enough in her previous time .
she got the place in the university .
she is happy about that .
her family, too .
she is missing her dad .
its been 4 years she did not see her dad .
it will be forever actually .

happy birthday to u ,
happy birthday to u ,
happy birthday to zulaikha ,
happy birthday to u .

dalink..i nak cake nie..
x kire ah...
u wish lambat sgt .....

28 September 2010

ALAHAI mrS.........

ola !
pagi nie bukak blog nie......
cek sane sini n i terjumpe sawang ! pppffffeeeewwwww =..=
skarang nie masih dalam mood raye....
tapi x tahu lah raye yg ke brape.....
oh ! i x puasa 6 lagi la.....
actually i baru baik demam....
but then, batuk je x ilang lagi......
ouh, hampir i terlupe.....
semalam i pg kelas fizik mrS......
then, i batuk2 la......
i batuk kuat2 plak tu......
then, mrS suddenly call my name.....
"zuleyqo, baca.....supaya nanti hilang batuknya......."
mule2 tu i x kesah la sangat kan.......
sampaila lidah i nie terbelit2 jugakla...ekekekeke =]
but then, i rase lebih 5 kali kot dia mrS pggil name i.......
watafish man........
i batuk oke.......
cakap banyak2 lagi la buat dada i nie sakit ha......
last2 tu.......i buat la muke geram i........
show off habis........
tapi i xtaw la dia faham ke x kan......
da habis klas tu, pandai lak dia nak tanya i da minum ke x.....
i ingat nak belanje i ke ape kan.....
ceh, tanye kosong je rupenye......
alahai mrS.............
actually banyak lagi bende yg mrS nie mengarut2......
bende senang bole jadi susah dapat kat dia......
we all pon da macam malas nak layan lagi la......
hot oke bila dia buat macam tu.....
oke la.....
till then, bye2

by: zuery

03 September 2010


aku kat rumah!!!
seronok sangat nie...
nak raye nak raye nak raye.....
heee :)
tu je nak cakap...
bye2 :)

by: zuery